Course Design Foundations

Canvas Course Development

YEAR 2022

ELDT 6491 - Internship in Learning, Design, and Technology
University of North Carolina Charlotte

During the Summer of 2022, Ryland assisted Fred Baker, Ph.D., PMP, ACP with the development of Course Design Foundations, the first course in a series of four workshops that leads to the completion of “Certificate on the Essentials of Course Design”.

The primary goal of this course is to provide a foundation for the backward design approach, reinforce and apply the alignment concept throughout a course, and to situate the course into the larger scope of a program. This workshop extends and applies concepts covered in the Introduction to Learning Objectives workshop.

Fred Baker and the team at the center for teaching and learning provided a complete analyze and a rough copy of the course content as a word document. Ryland had to work through proofreading content, chunking content into digestible modules, and lastly, developing content in modules in Canvas.

Landing Page

Course Design Foundations: Landing Page

Course Overview

Course Design Foundations: Course Overview

Course Schedule

Course Design Foundations: Course Schedule

Lesson One

Course Design Foundations: Lesson 1


Directionality Graphic in Module 1: Lesson 1

Alignment Beyond a Program Graphic in Module 4: Lesson 2

Backward Course Design Graphic in Module 2: Lesson 1


Canvas Crew - Canvas Video Tutorials